Conditioning: MPCF Partner Board WOD “Giddy up” 50 Burpee buy-in (as a team, 25 each) for time After team is done, rest 3 minutes then start the main WOD First… 200 meter Shuttle Sprints x 6 Next… 4 rounds (alternating partners each round, 2 rounds each): 12 Toes-2-Bar 12 Handstand Push-ups Then… 200 meter...Read More
Just when you think you have seen it all, you look and see a person parking a bike in a parking spot at the gym when there is a bike rack 25m away. Sometimes the thinking process of people scares me. 🙂 Conditioning 1: 3-person team 10:00 AMRAP 4 Tire Flips (180) 10 Sledge...Read More
Conditioning: 4-person Team WOD One team member completes each portion in it’s entirety Karen 150 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) – Rx (14/10) @ (9′) – Scaled For Time Grace 30 Clean and Jerks (135/95) – Rx (95/65) – Scaled For Time Diane 21-15-9 rep rds of: Deadlifts (225/155) – Rx (155/105)...Read More
Conditioning: 4-person team WOD “Rowing Waterfall” Row for max calories While each team member concurrently performs… 40 Double Unders 20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/25) 100m Farmers Walk w/ KBs (35/20) 20 Double Kettlebell Front Squats (35/20) For Time and calories rowed (14:00 cap) Each member goes through one round of WOD. While simultaneously...Read More
Conditioning: CrossFit Team Series Event 4 Scaled version: Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of: Male 1 and Female 1 each perform: 5 Thrusters (65/35) 5 Pull-ups Then, Male 2 and Female 2 each perform: 10 Thrusters (65/35) 10 Pull-ups Then, Male 1 and Female 1 each perform: 15 Thrusters...Read More
Conditioning: CrossFit Teams Series Event 3 Rx’d WOD: 42-30-18 reps for time of: Muscle-ups, with static Deadlift hold 350-lb partner Deadlift* Scaled WOD: 80-60-40 reps for time of: Hand-release Push-ups, with static Deadlift hold 270-lb partner Deadlift* *Partner Deadlifts: Rx’d – 135-lbs on one side, 170-lbs on the other Scaled – 90 on...Read More
Happy Labor Day! MP Closed Team WOD at Vertical CrossFit @ 0930-1030 3-person team WOD* Buy-in: 150m Sled push (230/150)* …then… “Labor This” Run 400m* 60 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 45 Pull-ups 30 Burpees 15 Handstand Push-ups 3 rounds for time *Equal work on each part. Sled drag to be performed by each member,...Read More