
  Conditioning: 21 Overhead Squats (95/63) 21 Hand-Release Push-ups 400m Run 15 Overhead Squats 15 Hand-Release Push-ups 300m Run 9 Overhead Squats 9 Hand-Release Push-ups 200m Run   For Time (10:00 cap)   …Rest 8:00 from end of cap   Partner up (co-ed if possible), and perform each of the following in order, to completion, with equal...
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0630 and 0845 classes are canceled Friday. 0530, 1200, and 1730 classes are normal. Sorry for any inconvenience.  Strength: Deadlifts 5   reps @ 60% 1RM 3   reps @ 70% 1+ reps @ 80%   For max reps at 80%   Conditioning: “Change up” 10 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ 9′ 10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)  ...
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2015 CrossFit Games registration is open @   Conditioning: Part 1: Perform 5 rounds for time of (6 minute cap): 30 Double Unders 15 Shoulder-2-Overhead (95/63)   …Rest 1 minute   Part 2: Perform 2-4-6-8-10-12 rep rounds of (6 minute cap): Alternating Kettlebell Snatch (45/25) Knees-2-Elbows   …Rest 1 minute   Part 3: Perform...
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2015 CrossFit Games registration is open @   Strength: 4:00 cap to find: 1-rep max Hang Snatch   For Max Load …Rest 3 minutes   Conditioning: 5:00 AMRAP of: 5 Overhead Squats (95/63) 5 Bar-Facing-Burpees   For Total Reps   Mobility: 20 Passovers w/ PVC Anterior Compartment Smash – 1:30/side T-Spine Smash – 2:00...
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  Skill: Partner Row Row 300m 6 alternating rounds   For total time   Conditioning: “Two Ladies and a Dude” Partner style* 4 rounds of “Lola”: 30 Double Unders 20 Knees-2-Elbows 10 Handstand Push-ups …then 6 rounds of “Cindy”: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats …then 8 rounds of “Rooster”: 10 Burpees 20 Double Unders...
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  Strength: Clean* 5   reps at 70% 3   reps at 80% 1+ reps at 90%   For max reps at 90% *Squat Cleans   Conditioning: “Sumo Wall Jumping” 3 Wall Climbs 9 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (70/53) 27 Double Unders   10 rounds for time Compare to Monday, 07 January 2013   Mobility:...
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  Skill: “Shin Killers” Box Jump 1- rep max height 1-rep max broad jump to box (20/16″)   Conditioning: Row 300m 21 Burpees 12 Double Kettlebell Thrusters (53/35)   3 rounds   …Rest 3 minutes   5 Strict Handstand Push-ups 10 Ground-2-Overhead (95/63) 50 Double Unders   3 rounds   For Time   Mobility: 5...
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  Strength: Deadlifts 5   reps @ 70% 1RM 3   reps @ 80% 1+ reps @ 90%   For max reps at 90%   Conditioning: 3 Muscle-ups 6 Front Squats (135/95) 9 Slammers (20/14) 12 Ring Push-ups   3 rounds for time   Flexibility: Right side straddle – 1:00 Left side straddle – 1:00...
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Strong work by our team, Ape Nation at the KO in the OK competition this weekend. Proud to say that multiple judges said that we had good form and strong standards.    Skill: Practice for 10 minutes on: 20 Half Tacos 25 Double Unders 30 second Hollow Body Hold 40 Speed Skips   4 rounds...
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Conditioning: “Death by Triple Play” Death by Box Jumps (24/20″) 1 on minute 1, 2 on minute 2, and so on…   …Rest 5 minutes   Death by Hand-release Push-ups (by 2’s) 2 on minute 1, 4 on minute 2, and so on…   …Rest 5 minutes   Death by Sit-ups (by 3’s) 3 on...
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