Strength: Make-up a Lift 1-rep max For max load …Or… Clean 3-3-3 @ 85% For quality in the receiving position Conditioning: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of: 10 Wall-Balls (20/14) @ (12/11′) 20 Double Unders …rest 2 minutes, then… Complete as many rounds and reps as possible...Read More
Congratulations to Michael Rodriguez winning the free month for completing the online survey! FITAID winners are: Brian Wortham, Tara Mundell, Allyson Leggett, Danny Scroggins, Becca Kirby, Jana Decker, Craig Sahli, Liliana Ross, Gene Pelizzoni, and Burris Smith Conditioning: Partner WOD 15-minute AMCAP of: Max Calories Rowed …rest 2 minutes, then*… 10-minute AMRAP of: 25...Read More
To be your best in 2018, the work starts here! Classes today are only at 0630, 0900, and 1200. Conditioning: “Dominating starts NOW!” Buy-in: 40/25 Calories Biked …then, in an add and repeat style*, complete the following: 1 Squat Snatch (155/103) 2 Strict Handstand Push-ups 3 Double Unders x10 4 Kettlebell Swings (97/62) 5...Read More
2016 KO in the OK Team Gym closed Monday, Jan. 1, for New Years! Tuesday classes, Jan. 2, will ONLY be at 0900 and 1200. Conditioning: 6-person team WOD* Assault on Synchronized Fran M1/F1 18 Cal. Biked 18 Sync Thrusters (75/55) 18 Sync Pull-ups 12 Cal. Biked 12 Sync Thrusters (75/55) 12 Sync Pull-ups...Read More
Gym closed Monday for New Years! Tuesday classes will ONLY be at 0900 and 1200. Conditioning: “Better Days” 40 Speed Skips 30 Box Jumps (24/20″) 20 One-leg Kettlebell Deadlift Crossover (35/25) 400m Row 20 GHD Sit-ups 30 Weighted Walking Lunges (45/35) 40 Double Unders 2 rounds for time 20:00 Cap Compare to Tuesday,...Read More
Gym closed Monday, Jan. 1, for New Years! Tuesday classes, Jan. 2, will ONLY be at 0900 and 1200. Conditioning: Partner WOD Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 2 Strict Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 4 Handstand Push-ups 6 Kettlebell Swings (72/53) 8 Front Squats (95/63) 10/7 Calories Biked For...Read More
Gym closed Monday for Christmas! Tuesday classes will ONLY be at 0900 and 1200. Conditioning: “12 Days of Christmas” 1 Clean & Jerk (135/93) 2 Pistols 3 Burpees 4 Back Extensions 5 Ring Dips 6 Deadlifts (135/93) 7 Toes-2-Bar 8 Pull-ups 9 Box Jumps (30/24″) 10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 11 Handstand Push-ups 12 Row...Read More
Gym closed Monday for Christmas! Tuesday classes will ONLY be at 0900 and 1200. Conditioning: Complete as many rounds and reps in 4 minutes of: 25 Double Unders 15 Sit-ups 10 Burpees …Rest 2 minutes, then… Complete as many rounds and reps in 4 minutes of: 5 Strict Handstand Push-ups 10 Squats 15/10...Read More
Conditioning: 100m Run 10 Wall-Ball Shots (25/16) @ (10/9′) 10m Handstand Walk 10 GHD Sit-ups 5 rounds for time Strength: Back Squats 1-rep max Compare to Wednesday, 21 June 2017 Flexibility/Mobility: Couch Stretch – 1:30/side One-Arm Lat Lean – 1:30/side Pike Stretch – 2:00 Knees-to-Traps – 2:00 Spine Smash – 2:00 ...Read More