Handstand workshop with Becca Gutstadt 2017 CrossFit Judges course is now open! Click HERE Row Skill: Row’d Royalty WODs 17.2 A&B Row 2000m For Time 17.2 A: First 1000m time 17.2 B: Total time Don’t forget to post scores on the Row’d Royalty website! Conditioning: 5 Strict Handstand Push-ups 7 Front Squats...Read More
KO in the OK, “Team Honey Pepper Bacon”. Skill: Row’d Royalty WOD 17.1 A-C 500m Row Rest 3 minutes 3 rounds A. Fastest 500m Time B. Slowest 500m Time C. Total Rowing Time Conditioning: Complete as many reps as possible in 10:00 of: 30 Single Unders 10 Handstand Push-ups 20 Wall-Ball Shots...Read More
KO in the OK is going on this weekend at the UMAC located near 71st and Mingo. Come out to support our team “Honey Pepper Bacon”. If you are interested in working on your rowing, here is a link to an online rowing competition for the month of January, Row’d Royalty. Once on the site,...Read More
KO in the OK is going on this weekend at the UMAC located near 71st and Mingo. Come out to support our team “Honey Pepper Bacon”. If you are interested in working on your rowing, here is a link to an online rowing competition for the month of January, Row’d Royalty. Once on the site,...Read More
Monday classes will be at 0900 and 1030 only. Conditioning: 4-person Team WOD “Why do I do this?” Buy-in: 400 Single Unders …then… 20 Handstand Push-ups* 30 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14 ) @ (10/9′) 40 Alternating Box Jumps (20″) 50 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/63) 50 GHD Sit-ups 40 Alternating Box Jumps 30 Wall-Ball Shots...Read More
Conditioning: Partner WOD Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 2 Strict Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 4 Handstand Push-ups 6 Kettlebell Swings (72/53) 8 Front Squats (95/63) 10 Calories Rowed For Score Strength: Thruster 1-Rep Max Compare to Tuesday, 17 May 2016 Flexibility: 15 Front Leg Swings/Leg Olympic...Read More
Conditioning: 100m Row 15 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) 20m Burpee Broad Jumps 4 rounds for time Strength: Back Squat 1-rep max Compare to Monday, 27 June 2016 Conditioning: 3 Strict Pull-ups 6 Strict Handstand Push-ups 9 GHD Sit-ups 3 rounds for time Mobility/Flexibility: Couch Stretch – 1:30/side One-Arm...Read More
Conditioning: Partner WOD: Complete as many reps as possible in 9:00 of: Row 200m Max rep Sit-ups …rest 4:00 Complete as many reps as possible in 9:00 of: 50 Double Unders Max Rep Box Jumps (30/24″) …rest 4:00 Complete as many reps as possible in 9:00 of: 15 Pull-ups Max Rep...Read More
Thanksgiving week schedule: Classes normal through Wednesday. Gym closed on Thursday so we can overeat with our families and friends. Only a 0900 class on Black Friday. Classes back to normal on Saturday. Strength: Make-up a Lift 1-rep max For max load …Or… Pick any lift and perform: 5-5-5-5 @ 85% For...Read More