The gym will be closed this Thursday in observance of Thanksgiving. One class will be held on Friday, November 29th, at 0900. The regular schedule resumes on Saturday. Conditioning: 3-person Team WOD* 15 Strict handstand push-ups 30 Calories biked 45 Squat snatches (115/73) 60 Calories rowed 75 Pull-ups 90 Calories skied 75 GHD sit-ups 60...Read More
The gym will be closed this Thursday in observance of Thanksgiving. There will be one class on Friday, 29 Nov at 0900. Regular schedule resumes Saturday. Conditioning: As many rounds and reps as possible in 20-minutes: 18 Alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35) 6 Burpee pull-ups 3 Wall walks For score Skill: Bulgarian split squats*...Read More
Congratulations and good luck to Coach Mark Heiliger and Jeff Fisher on your Hyrox race today! You are both APE STRONG! Conditioning: “A Bike Ride With Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlifts (225/153) Handstand push-ups 30/24 Calories biked after every rep round For time (15:00 cap) Strength: Front Squat 3 @ 85% of 1-rm 4...Read More
Conditioning: 3-Person Team WOD, equal work required 3 Rounds, alternating full rounds: 25-ft Dumbbell overhead walking lunges (2 x 35/25) 10 Chest-to-bar pullups 10 Devils press (2 x 35/25) 25-ft Dumbbell overhead walking lunges (2 x 35/25) …then immediately into Part 2: 900m Row (3 x 300m) …then immediately into Part 3: 75 Kettlebell swings...Read More
Conditioning: 2 Squat cleans (155/103) 3 Bar muscle-ups 12/9 Calories rowed/skied* 5 Rounds for time *Athlete may do any combination of row and/or ski (15:00 cap) Strength: Every 2 minutes, perform the following complex: 1 Power clean ⇒ 1 Front squat ⇒ 1 Squat clean @ 60% of 1-rm clean @ 65% @...Read More
Conditioning: As many reps as possible in 12 minutes of: 1-2-3-4… Handstand push-ups 2-4-6-8… Box jumps (30/24″) For score Strength: Bench Press Every 3 minutes perform: 5 @ 75% of 1-RM 4 Sets* for quality *10 Push-ups after each set Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work 500m Row 30 Squat snatches (135/93) 150-ft Handstand walking 30 Squat snatches (135/93) 500m Row For time (20:00 cap) Skill/Accessory 10/side Bulgarian split squats* 3 Sets *Athlete may increase load or stay at same weight throughout Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Conditioning: Partner WOD* As many rounds and reps as possible in 12-minutes of the following: 12/9 Calories skied 8 Alternating dumbbell clean and jerks (50/35) 4 Devils press (2 x 50/35) 8 Burpees-over-dumbbells 12/9 Calories biked For score *(alternate exercises, tag between exercises) Strength: Every 2 minutes perform on set of the...Read More
Conditioning: As many rounds as possible in 6-minutes of: 6 Bar muscle-ups 9 GHD sit-ups …Rest 3 minutes and then… As many rounds as possible in 6-minutes of: 6 Double dumbbell hang squat cleans (2 x 50/35) 9 Handstand push-ups For score Strength: Bench Press 5 @ 70% of 1-Rm 5...Read More