Fun weekend comp with the Ape and Vertical families at Battle on the Plains! Conditioning: Partner WOD* Row 500m/Fat Bar Deadlift hold (115) 150 Double Unders/Fat Bar Front Rack hold 100 Calories Bike/Fat Bar Back Rack hold 50 Toes-2-Bar/Fat Bar Overhead hold For Time …rest 8:00 As many meters in 2 minutes of:...Read More
These are the names of many of the victims of 9/11. We will never forget! Conditioning: 9/11 Memorial WOD 2001m Row/Run 11 Thrusters (125/85) 11 Burpee Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 11 Power Cleans (175/120) 11 Handstand Push-ups 11 Kettlebell Swings (72/53) 11 Toes-2-Bar 11 Deadlifts (170/120) 11 Push Jerks (110/75) 2001m Run/Row* For Time *If...Read More
2012 Flashback! Who’s up for another Tough Mudder?! Conditioning: 4-person Team 200 Double Unders 160 Sit-ups 120 Push-ups 80 Calories Biked 40 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups For Time Equal work required. One team member working at a time. One station per team per exercise. Athletes must rotate through same position. …Rest 10:00 from the...Read More
Solar Eclipse 2017, at about 50% Skill: MPCF Board WOD Row 500m For Time Conditioning: “Hammer Time” 15 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 25 Burpees 35 Front Squats (75/53) 45 Double Unders 45 Calories Rowed 35 Sit-ups 25 Push Press (75/53) 15 Lateral Bar Jumps* For Time *Jumping over the bar both directions equal 1...Read More
Conditioning: 4-person team WOD (2M/2F) “Forward and Reverse” M/F pair one completes the following, in order: 50 Calories Rowed 50 Wall-Ball Shots (25/16 ) at (10/9′) 40 Pull-ups 50 Box Jumps (20″) 40 Front Squats (115/75) 40 Calories on Assault Bike M/F pair 2 complete the following, in order: 40 Calories on the Assault...Read More
Conditioning: Partner WOD “Fast and Furious II” 4 x 200m Sprint 100 Sit-ups Slammers (14/10) @ 2m 50 Fat Bar Deadlifts (225/150) 40 Overhead Squats (115/75) 40 Pull-ups 50 Plate-facing Burpees 100 Double Unders 4 x 200m Sprint For Time Compare to Saturday, 15 April 2017 Instructions: Equal work. One person at a time...Read More
Speed work: Choose one: Run for meters, Bike for calories, Row for calories 45 seconds on, 45 seconds off – 10 rounds Conditioning: “Down and Back Chipper” 50 Box Overs (24/20″) 25 Toes-2-Bar 50 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) 25 Ring Dips 50 Wall-Ball Shots 25 Toes-2-Bar 50 Box Overs For Time...Read More
What’s wrong in this picture? 🙂 Classes normal on Monday. Gym closed on Tuesday, 04 July. We will be meeting at Vertical Limit Fitness at 0900. Conditioning: Partner WOD* 100 Double Unders 20 Single-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squats (50/35) 40 Wall-Ball Volleyball Throws @ 8′ (20/16/14)* 800m Run 30 Shoulder Press (95/63)* 40 GHD Sit-ups 30 Hang...Read More