Strength/Conditioning: 20 Unbroken thrusters (75/53)* Rest 1-3 minutes 3 sets for total time (10 min cap) Rest 7 minutes then… E2MOM for 10 Minutes perform 2 Front Squats** *Pick the heaviest thruster weight you can do in order to perform the thrusters unbroken **Front squat percentages each set: 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%,...Read More
Labor Day fitness! Conditioning: 2019 Wodapalooza Online qualifiers 5 & 6 With a 15 minute clock, perform: 21-15-9 rep rounds of: Thrusters (95/63) Calories rowed Burpees over rower For time With remaining time, find: 1-rep max Clean and Jerk For max load Compare to Monday, 09 September 2019 Post...Read More
Conditioning: 15/12 Calories Rowed 12 Sit-up Slammers (12/8) 9 Back Squats (95/63)* 6 Behind-the-neck Shoulder Press (95/63) 3 Overhead Squats (95/63) 3 rounds for time (10:00 cap) *Must clean from floor, and place on back. Strength: Overhead Squat 1-rep max Compare to Wednesday, 19 June 2019 Post results and experience to...Read More
Conditioning: Partner WOD Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of: Row 100m 2 Handstand Push-ups 4 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 6 Burpees 8 Slammers (12/8) @ 2m For Score (Row is worth 2 points) Strength: Hang Power Clean 1-rep Max For max load Compare to Wednesday, 14 November 2018...Read More
Conditioning: 100m Run 10 Wall-Ball Shots (25/16) @ (10/9′) 10m Handstand Walk 10 GHD Sit-ups 2 rounds for time Strength: Back Squats 1-rep max Compare to Friday, 07 June 2019 Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Strength: Front Squats Set 1: 6-4-2 (increasing load) Set 2: 6-4-2 (increasing load, try to go heavier than Set 1) For score* *Score is total weight lifted Conditioning: 10 Front squats* 15/12 Cal rowed Rest 1:30 5 Rounds for time *increase weight each round according to the following percentages: Round 1:...Read More
Conditioning: E2MOM for 10 Minutes: Row 12/9 cals 9 Sumo deadlift high pull (75/53) 7 Front squats (75/53) 5 Kettlebell swings (72/53) Strength: Every 75 seconds, perform 1 rep, then add (10/5), repeat and continue until failure of: Clean Start at 25-30% 1RM clean Post results and experiences to commentsRead More