General Warm-up: 2 rounds of: Run 200/Row 250 8 Spiders 7 T-Push-ups 8 V-ups 7 Deep squats 8 Shoulder press w/T’s …then… Ski 12/8 calories 20m Farmers carry 40 second D-ball rock 15 Box jumps (increase height every 5) 10 KB swings Conditioning: “Jill” Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 25-minutes...Read More
Thank you to all the Veterans that have sacrificed. Happy Veteran’s Day 2019! (Thank you for the flowers MP family) Conditioning: Option 1: 2020 CrossFit Games Open WOD 20.5 Partitioned any way: 40 Muscle-ups 80-cal Row 120 Wall-ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) For time (20:00 cap) Standards, description, and scaled options, click HERE ...Read More
Conditioning: Option 1: Every 2 minutes on the minute, perform 1 round of the following until failure to complete: 1 Squat Clean (85% 1RM) 10m Sprint 3 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 10m Sprint 1 Burpee-over-bar* For Score *Every round add 1 burpee. Option 2: 2020 CrossFit Games Open WOD 20.5* Partitioned any way: 40...Read More