Fun times with the MP family at the “HalloWOD”! Make plans to join MP this Saturday for a free WOD at 0900! Conditioning: 50/40 Calories row 30-ft Right hand overhead DB walking lunges (50/35) 30-ft Left hand overhead DB walking lunges 15 Handstand push-ups 3 rounds for time Strength: Clean 6 reps @...Read More
Join us TODAY for a FREE WOD! Available class times are: 053, 0630, 0845, 1200, and 1730 Conditioning: Partner WOD* As many rounds and reps in 15-minutes of: 2 Rope climbs (12′) 40′ Wall-ball walking lunges (25/16) 40 Wall-ball shots (25/16)@(10/9′) 20 Shoulder to overhead (95/63) 200m Run** For score *Equal work required...Read More
Make plans to join us for our next FREE WOD day on Friday, 22 October! Conditioning: MPCF Board WOD “True Grit” 2,000/1,700m Row* For time *At the 1-minute mark, begin: Death by Thrusters (95/63) With a running clock start the row. At the 1-minute mark, get off the rower, do one thruster, and resume...Read More
Make plans to join us for our next FREE WOD day on Friday, 22 October! Strength: Shoulder Press Every 90 seconds, perform the following sets: 9@25% of your 1-rm shoulder press 8@35% 7@45% 6@55% 5@65% 3@75% Max reps @80% For max reps and quality Conditioning: As many rounds and reps as possible...Read More
Join us this Saturday, 09 Oct. for a FREE class at 0900! Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work required 1500m Row 40 Single arm dumbbell thrusters (50/35) 20 Burpees over rower For time (10:00 cap) …Rest 5:00 then… 20 Chest to bar pull-ups 30 Power snatches (95/63) 40 Wall ball shots (25/16)@(10/9′) 150...Read More
Join us this Saturday, 09 Oct. for a FREE class at 0900! Conditioning: As many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of: 10 Shoulder to overhead (125/83) 10 Box jumps (24/20″) 10 Bar facing burpees For score …Rest 10:00, then… Strength: Deadlift 30 @ 55% 1-rep max deadlift 2:00 Rest...Read More
This Friday, 24 September, come in for a FREE CLASS! Class times are 0530, 0630, 0845, 1200, and 1730. Conditioning: Partner WOD As many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of* 8 Calories rowed 8 Burpee box overs (20″) 8 Calories biked 8 Alternating dumbbell snatches (75/50) For score *Partners alternate complete...Read More
Conditioning: 21-15-9 Rep rounds of: Shoulder press (95/63) Chest-to-bar pull-ups For time Accessory: 12 Single Leg Kettlebell Crossover Deadlifts (6/6) 2:00 Rest 3 Sets for quality *Each set can be building based on feel or same weight throughout all sets Post results and experience to commentsRead More