
Sarah Flynn
  Register to Compete or Volunteer for the Festivus Games 2024!   Open Gym 1200-1330 Unlimited members may use Open Gym to work on extra skills, strength, or conditioning. All other members may use Open Gym to make up a missed programmed WOD.   MP Iron Club Canceled this week. We apologize for any inconvenience....
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Register to Compete or Volunteer for the Festivus Games 2024!   Conditioning: 20 Single arm dumbbell thrusters (50/35) 25-ft Handstand walk 250m Ski   3 Rounds for time (10:00 cap)   Strength: Athlete’s choice: Overhead Squat OR Front Squat On an every 2-minute clock: 5 @ 25% 5 @ 40% 5 @ 50% 5 @...
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Register to Compete or Volunteer for the Festivus Games 2024!   Endurance: Partner WOD 50-40-30-20-10 Calories biked*   For time * Each partner does each set of calories. Partner A will bike 50 calories, then Partner B will bike 50 calories, while Partner A rests. Partner A will then bike 40 calories while Partner B...
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Register to Compete or Volunteer for the Festivus Games 2024!   Conditioning: As many reps as possible in 20-minutes of: 200m run OR 250m row Max unbroken toes-to-bar 200m run OR 250m row Max unbroken push-ups   For score     Post results and experiences to comments
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Register to Compete or Volunteer for the Festivus Games 2024!   Conditioning: Hero WOD “343 Memorial WOD” As many rounds as possible in 20-minutes of: 3 Bar muscle ups 4 Power cleans (225/133) 3 Front squats (225/133)   For score   CrossFit Mayhem first put out this workout in 2012 in honor of the 343...
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Register to Compete or Volunteer for the Festivus Games 2024!   Endurance: 20 Plate-facing burpees 100 Single-unders 400m Run   …Rest 3:00, then… 40 Plate-facing burpees 200 Single-unders 800m Run   …Rest 3:00, then… 20 Plate-facing burpees 100 Single-unders 400m Run   For time (30:00 cap)     Post results and experiences to comments
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Register to Compete or Volunteer for the Festivus Games 2024!   MPCF Hero Board WOD “9/11 Tribute” 2001m Run* 11 Box Jumps (30/24″) 11 Thrusters (125/83) 11 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups 11 Power Cleans (175/118) 11 Handstand Push-ups 11 Kettlebell Swings (72/53) 11 Toe-to-Bar 11 Deadlifts (170/113) 11 Push Jerks (110/73) 2001m Row*   For time Compare...
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Register to Compete or Volunteer for the Festivus Games 2024! Conditioning: Partner WOD Partner A: 1:00 Max calories skied Partner B: 1:00 Max calories skied Partner A: 1:00 Max single arm kettlebell overhead walking lunge* (52/35) Partner B: 1:00 Max single arm kettlebell overhead walking lunge* (52/35) Partner A: 1:00 Max calories rowed Partner B:...
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Laborers of Labor Day 2024! Register to Compete or Volunteer for the Festivus Games 2024!   Conditioning: Partner WOD, partners alternate full rounds As many rounds and reps as possible in 30-minutes of: 1 Power clean (205/143) 3 Box jump overs (30/24″) 5 Chest to bar pull-ups   For score, each rounds worth 9 points...
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Register to Compete or Volunteer for the Festivus Games 2024!   Conditioning: In 5-minutes, perform: 10 Burpees 15 Wall ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) 20 Unanchored sit-ups Max calories* biked/rowed/skied   …Rest 1-minute…   5 Rounds for total calories *Athlete must bike two rounds, row two rounds, and ski one round     Post results...
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