Saturday, 30 December 2023

Class on Monday, January 1st is at 0900 ONLY. Happy New Year!



4-person Team* WOD

“Last jubilee of 2023!”

Complete as many reps as possible in 5-minutes* of:

Max reps double unders


…rest 2:00, then…

12-minutes of max calories*


…rest 2:00, then…

Complete as many reps as possible in 5-minutes* of:

Crossover single unders


…rest 2:00, then…

12-minutes of max calories*


…rest 2:00, then…

Complete the remaining reps* with:

Single unders


For time

*The total of the calories and reps need to equal 2023. Two teammates are working at a time. Athletes can choose their machine, and may switch at any time.



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. Henry Smith says

    Partnered with Vernice, Amber, and Phillip

    Was 200 reps over at 40:00 – 36:40 score

  2. Teamed with Coach, Wade, and Gene!!
    Wade modified DU to SU and Gene modified the jump rope to box steps

    Awesome WOD with a great class!
    Happy New Year!

    • Programming note for next year:
      Cut each jump rope down to 3min. For every 3min jumprope segment: Single unders, speed skips, crossover single unders, and double unders permitted. Athletes choice on which to do. But each jump makes 1 rep. (So each DU would only count as one).

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