Monday, 11 July 2022


Conditioning 1:

6-minute row test


For max distance

Compare to Friday, 23 July 2021


…Rest 10:00, then…


Conditioning 2:

As many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

25-ft Single arm dumbbell overhead walking lunge (right arm) (50/35)

25-ft Single arm dumbbell overhead walking lunge (left arm) (50/35)

10 Shuttle runs*

5 Strict pull-ups


For score

*1 shuttle run consists of athlete running one 25′ length and touching the ground with one hand while both feet are past tape line



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. megancyork says

    2:01.2 PR

    97 on metcon oof those pull-ups got spicy!

  2. Henry Smith says


    Split 1 – 1:41.3
    Split 2- 1:48.6
    Split 3-1:49.7
    Split 4-1:47.1

    I may have come out a bit too fast. But I also think my time could be better if I held the faster pace longer then tapered off. Could be worth a try.

    109rx on second part.

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