Friday, 21 June 2019



10 rounds of:

10 Back Squats (135/93)*

100m Sprint

Rest 30 seconds


For Time

*must clean bar from ground and place in the back rack position

Compare to Wednesday, 03 October 2018



Olympic Wall Squat

Middle Split

Side Straddle

Twisted Cross



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. sflynn says

    14:07 Rx, (2:13 PR!!!)

  2. White Ape says

    Legs were smoked!
    12:37 Rx

    My last round “run” was a struggle! I probably looked like some trying to run through knee deep mud!

  3. megancyork says

    17:41 63#
    Knees felt great this time.
    Secretly love this workout.

    Note: wear a tshirt so the bar doesn’t slip off your back.

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