Wednesday, 03 January 2018

Congratulations to Michael Rodriguez winning the free month for completing the online survey!

FITAID winners are: Brian Wortham, Tara Mundell, Allyson Leggett, Danny Scroggins, Becca Kirby, Jana Decker, Craig Sahli, Liliana Ross, Gene Pelizzoni, and Burris Smith



Partner WOD

15-minute AMCAP of:

Max Calories Rowed

…rest 2 minutes, then*…

10-minute AMRAP of:

25 Pull-ups

50 Sit-ups

25 Wall-Ball Push-ups

50 Walking Lunges

…rest 2 minutes, then…

5-minute AMCAP of:

Max Calories Biked


For Score

*If you have any missing 1RM’s, stop at this point, and make one up. If you are current, but want to do a lift, stop here as well.



Option 1:

Make up or redo 1-rep max


Option 2:

Shoulder Press

4 reps @ 55% 1RM

4 reps @ 65%

3 reps @ 75%

3 reps @ 85%

2 reps @ 90%

2 reps @ 90%

…rest 1-2 minutes, then…

Max rep Push Press at 90%


For quality and max reps



Shoulder Fold – 1:30/side

Twisted Cross – 1:30/side

Saddle Pose – 2:00

Pike stretch – 2:00



Post score, lift, load, and experiences to comments


  1. 223 cals rowed with Rhonda
    173 reps solo, ring rows with feet on 12” box instead of PLU
    70 cals biked with Rhonda

    Strong work Rhondamama!

  2. Thruster 90#

  3. RhondaMomma says

    What Sarah said..
    175 Reps in the solo Amrap
    Also did the ring rows w 12″ box..yikes! tough mod!!

    Good job parter!

  4. 284 cals rowing w Jimmy
    Worked up to 90% DL x 2

  5. darrenandtara says

    D. BS 325. Back to old PR

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