Homemade shin-guards “Nicole” AMRAP in 20 minutes of: Run 400mMax rep Pull-ups “Max rep” is as many “non-stop” pull-ups.If you stop pulling, you start your next run. Post number of “completed rounds” and total pull-ups to comments Compare to 27 March 2009
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Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 or Rest Post max load to comments
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“Eva” Run 800m 30 Kettlebell Swings (2 pood/1.25 pood) 30 Pull-ups 5 rounds for time Compare to 24 SEP 2008 Post time to comments
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“Grace” 30 reps for time of: Clean and Jerk(135/95) Compare to 12 March 2009 Post time to comments
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“Fight Gone Bad” Row (calories) Wall-ball Shots (20lb) Sumo Deadlift High Pulls(75/50) Box Jumps (20″) Push Press (75/50) 3 rounds 1 minute each station 1 minute rest between rounds To score, count each complete, full-range rep. Total all three rounds. Compare to 22 SEP 2008 Post score to comments
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