Tuesday, 04 May 2010

Power Cleans

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Compare to 16 FEB 10

CFE WOD (done 3+ hrs after the main WOD):

Choose one of the following with 5x the recovery each interval (if it takes you 40 seconds to run 200m, you rest 3:20)

Run: 10 x 200m

C2: 10 x 250m

Bike: 10 x 1/4 mile

Swim: 10 x 50m

Post sport and total sprint time to comments
10 Responses
  1. Tyler

    125 lbs.
    As my girlfriend will tell you, my cleaning skills are a work in progress. Thanks Erin and Jimmy for helping me on my form!


  2. Danny

    Melanie said…

    62 lbs. Worked on form. Thanks, Jimmy, for all of your help!!! Great work everyone!!!!

  3. MP Jimmy

    195 lbs
    (205 x 2)

    Strong work this morning! Everyone did great, and remember that form takes time to perfect. I too, am trying to imorove form.