Tuesday, 09 November 2010

300 Double Unders
For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 26 JUN 10


Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

4 x 5 minute intervals, 3 minute rest
Max distance on each 5 min interval

Post total distance to comments
18 Responses
  1. Michel

    7:46 1200 Singles PR from 9:22
    Got my "sub-9"
    6:03 900 Singles
    Flirted with DU – gives entirely new meaning to work in progress. Great morning with everyone! And Jana – you are Legend.

  2. Michel

    El Guapo Cantina
    Friday, November 12
    7:30 PM
    …then reverse it!

    Email hit the street and updates for those outside the dragnet will be sent tomorrow. Thanks everyone for going with the flow on this quirky little soiree.

  3. Robert

    6:21 Rx Jana in spite of your shunning of social media–you are now a permanent part of MPCF lore…I guess the story will be passed down by mouth

  4. MP Jimmy

    4:07 RX
    13 sec PR!

    It was a blast WOD'n with the 0530 crew. It was also AWESOME to see the "Janimal" in the house! Cool stitches!!

    See ya in the morning!

  5. erin

    Jana I so can't wait to see your " special J" 🙂
    great job today evening ladies!!!
    8:32 I need some mojo 🙁 this is a min and half slower then my pr!!