Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Do not wear white on tire flip day! 🙂


Run 400m
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)

5 rounds for time

Post time to comments

Compare to 21 JUN 10

19 Responses
  1. Michel

    WOW! Ladies rocked today – congratulations on the PR's and hard work!! And Danny and Jim on the board – again!

    45 lb – Unbroken – YES!
    First time doing this WOD and its a doozy.

  2. Angela

    32# – unbroken!!
    Run felt like I had glue on my shoes…sloooowww.

    Date saved here, too! Looking forward to El Guapo on Friday and the Christmas Party…fun!!

  3. Michel

    Blinding flash of the obvious…I have done this WOD twice.

    PR of 1:18 – 22:21 at 45 lb OHS June 21. But unbroken today – and that was my goal.

  4. MP Jimmy

    13:23 RX

    PR by 35 sec! Not as cool as Lesley's 10 minute PR; but I will take it!

    Great job to all the PR's today! Unbroken reps are the first key to setting new PR's.

  5. erin

    23:15 rx
    I'm still feeling daniel! Owe!!! Little E needs ohs work!!
    Looking forward to the festivus on Friday!!! 🙂

  6. Ginny

    Since tonight was cancelled and I felt somewhat human again..we did wod at home..

    Run 400
    20 thrusters 36#
    20 pushups

    3 rounds

    It was a decent workout!