Monday, 08 November 2010


50 Pull-ups
Run 400m
21 Thrusters (95/65)
Run 800m
21 Thrusters
Run 400m
50 Pull-ups

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 24 MAY 10
19 Responses
  1. Danny

    Melanie said…

    25:15/skinny band/45 lb thrusters. Started out with rx plu and quickly changed to a band! 🙂 I did have a PR. Last time did this in 27:00.

    Great job everyone! Glad to have Christine in the group today!!!! 🙂

  2. Michel

    Daniel is a great WOD. Congrats Mel!!

    23:36 – PR
    45 lb thrusters – 1st rd unbroken
    1" band

    May 24 was 25:36
    30 lb thrusters rd 1
    45 lb thrusters rd 2
    1 1/2 " band

  3. Angela

    OUCH! 32:24 – PR!!
    32# thrusters
    1.5" PLU

    Aug 23 was 33:13
    same wgt thrusters
    1/2" improvement on PLU

    Great job this morning, everyone! Rhonda & Lisette were flyin' through the WOD!! 🙂

  4. Jaime

    didn't do daniel today as I would have had to wod alone, and my knee felt a little weird this weekend. I missed baseline last week, so I did that
    4:37 rx and a pr

  5. Patrice

    24:44;fat band, 22 lb thrusters. I checked my time 2 years ago and it 39:02 and that was jumping pull-ups. Congrats to all who achieved PR's.

  6. Michel

    We got RX and PRs to celebrate and all the new people and those coming back!! Way to go MPCF!

    El Guapo
    Friday, November 12
    7:30 PM – We got the second floor. Viva!
    Reservations under McCoy.

    Lido Deck – Out