Tuesday, 05 May 2009

(Sorry for the late post)
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18 Responses
  1. MP Jimmy

    New PR! 190 for 1 OHS. (my bodyweight is 187)

    My max 1-rep Thruster was 205 last October.
    I plan on doing this one later this week, and I will let you know what I get now (shoting for 220)

  2. Bershunda

    Thanks Angie!!! You did great too. You always encourage me to keep going! You are so strong and I know you could have thrusted 117! After last week…you proved you are a superwoman!

  3. erin

    112, (B i tried 117 five times and couldn’t do it!!! your a stud!!) great everyone today! so awesome to see how strong you all are 🙂

    ps Melanie-hope your head is okay 😉

  4. Bershunda

    Erin I think you just needed me and Angie there so you would feel the peer pressure! 🙂 It always gives me a little push!!!

    By the way…you are doing a great job! 🙂

  5. Connor

    Did CF Regionals WOD #2

    50 Chest to Bar PL/U
    50 Burpees

    Nasty workout, didn’t start my clock, sucks!!!