Thursday, 11 February 2010

Perform 5 Double Unders
Every minute on the minute, add 5 double unders

Post minute completed and total number of DU’s to comments

For this WOD, singles 3:1

Minute 1: 5 DU (15 singles)
Minute 2: 10 DU (30 singles)
Minute 3: 15 DU (45 singles)
8 Responses
  1. John

    1: 5 DU
    2: 10 DU
    3: 15 DU
    4: 60 singles
    5: 75 singles
    6: 90 singles
    7: 105 singles
    8: 120 singles
    9: 135 singles
    10: 146 singles

    9 complete rounds – 30 DUs, 731 singles

  2. Jaime

    I just pictured myself flying through the double unders and getting 10 minutes or something. I think my legs were made of lead this morning!!! I need to practice- maybe in warm up every day.
    7 min 140 double unders

  3. Michel

    I was double under through hoops for school this morning. Jimmy, I need a MPCF get out of school free card for OU. Got to make this one up – with singles. Great job everyone!

  4. MP Jimmy

    455 total. 13 complete rounds.

    I finished round 13 right at buzzer, so I knew I was not going to make another. Mainly due to the fact of my form was getting worse each round. :p

    My calves are on FIRE! Great job all!

  5. Stacy J

    Completed 2 rounds w/double unders and the rest were singles. Made it through 7 rounds and failed on round 8.
    Total: 15 DU and 465 singles