Friday, 11 Feburary 2010

Good luck Danny on your first 26.2 on Sunday! (I wouldn’t hit this pose half way through, you might not get up. :))

“Eva’s baby brother”

For Time

Run 800m
30 Pull-ups
30 Burpees

3 rounds

Post time to comments

15 Responses
  1. Michel

    RX Burpees
    2" Band
    Great job everyone! 0630 has made huge leaps and it so cool to see everyone push hard to the next level. Have a great weekend. Erin, thanks for all the coaching and encouragement!!


  2. Danny

    We are about to leave for Austin. Just wanted to say thank you to everybody for all of the encouragement. I appreciate ya'll more than I could ever express. See you next week. Have a great weekend!

  3. Vernice

    PLU with a 1 in and a 1/2 in band.
    Rowed 3 1000s
    RX Burpees
    Another great week at CF for everyone.

    Good Luck Patti on your walk tomorrow You are going to be very ready for the half in April. Good job on staying on track for the training.

    Good Luck Danny on the marathon on Sunday.

    Run Danny Run! You will do great.
    REST and enjoy Monday.

  4. Stacy J

    Saturday WOD from 'The WOD Shop"
    3 rds
    20 DU's
    15 back ext
    10 ring dips
    5 thrusters (85#)
    9:07 w/singles and banded dips
    Thanks Robert and Erin for showing us the WOD Shop website!

  5. Danny

    Hey guys. Thank ya'll so much for the encouragment and support! My time was 4:11ish. I was too tired to notice the exact time as I crossed the finish line. I'm hoping the results will be posted soon. The race was a lot of fun, but mucho, mucho hills. Funny story. I crossed the line and almost immediately started throwing up. I made it out of the way of everybody and just started yacking. I can't imagine running a marathon without excellent coaching and encouragement. Thank you, thank you, thank you. See ya'll Tuesday. -Danny