“KB Partner” 250 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood)* For Time *With a partner, perform 250 KB swings, alternate until complete. Each partner needs to complete equal quantities. Post time to comments CFE WOD: Choose a Sport: Run, Row, Bike, Swim With a continuous running clock, run 10 meters in minute one, 20 meters in minute two,...Read More
3 rounds for time 10 Clean to Overhead (115/75) 50 Double Unders Post time to comments CFE WOD Choose a Sport: Run, Row, Bike, Swim 20 x 20 sec on, 20 sec off Post sport and total distance covered to commentsRead More
“Munchkins of MP CrossFit” Part 1: 200 Speed Skips w/ 3 minute time cap Rest 1 minute after time cap Part 2: Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of: 4 Handstand Push-ups 6 Pull-ups 8 Push-ups 10 Toes-2-Bar Rest 1 minute Part 3: 200 Jump Rope Singles w/ 3 minute time cap...Read More