For Time 50 Squats 5 Wall-2-Walls* 50 Sit-ups 5 Wall-2-Walls 25 Pull-ups 5 Wall-2-Walls 50 Double Unders 5 Wall-2-Walls 50 Push-ups 5 Wall-2-Walls 2 rounds Post time to comments Similar to 15 DEC 10 *Wall-2-Walls are from one side of the room to the other (15m each leg, 75m total)Read More
Rest Day Focus Work: With a continuously running clock, do 1 pull-up every minute on the minute. I.E. on minute 1, do 1 pull-up; minute 2, do 2 pull-ups; minute 3, do 3 pull-ups; etc. Continue until you can no longer complete the number of pull-ups required in the given minute. Post last successfully completed...Read More
Rowing “Wood” Row 500m 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20″) 10 Sumo-deadlift High-pull (95/65) 10 Thrusters (95/65) Rest 1 minute 5 rounds for time Post time to comments (WOD courtesy of More
Sprint 400m 50 Sit-ups 4 rounds for time Post time to comments CFE WOD: Choose a sport: Run, Row, Bike, Swim 30 minutes max distance Post total distance to commentsRead More
“Double SQ” 10 Double Unders (DU) 10 Squats (SQ) 20 DU 20 SQ 30 DU 30 SQ 40 DU 40 SQ …now reverse it! For Time Post time to comments CFE WOD: Choose a sport: Run, Row, Bike, or Swim Max Effort for: 60 sec, rest*, 90 sec, rest, 2 min, rest, 3 min, rest,...Read More