
  Skill: Practice 10 minutes on: Hollow Body position holds 4 x 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off Hollow Body rocks 4 x 10 High Plank Variations – 1 arm up holds: 10 seconds each arm – 1 arm, 1 leg opposite sides up: 10 seconds each variation – 1 arm, 1 leg same side...
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  Holiday Hours: 24 DEC will be 0530, 0630, 0845 & 1200; 25 DEC Closed; and 26 DEC will be 0900 and 1200   Strength: Overhead Squat 5   reps @ 65% 1RM 3   reps @ 75% 1+ reps @ 85%   For max reps @ 85%   Conditioning: “Hammer Time” 15 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups...
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 Holiday Hours: 24 DEC will be 0530, 0630, 0845 & 1200; 25 DEC Closed; and 26 DEC will be 0900 and 1200   “12 Days of Christmas” 1 Clean & Jerk (125/83) 2 Pistols 3 Burpees 4 Back Extensions 5 Ring Dips 6 Deadlifts (135/95) 7 Toes-2-Bar 8 Pull-ups 9 Box Jumps (30/24″) 10 Kettlebell...
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 Holiday Hours: 24 DEC will be 0530, 0630, 0845 & 1200; 25 DEC Closed; and 26 DEC will be 0900 and 1200   Strength: Hang Squat Snatch 3-3-3-3-3   For Quality & Load   Conditioning: “Better Days” 40 Speed Skips 30 Box Jumps (24/20″) 20 One-leg Kettlebell Deadlift Crossover (35/25) 400m Row 20 GHD Sit-ups...
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  Strength: Shoulder Press 5   reps @ 65% 1RM 3   reps @ 75% 1+ reps @ 85%   For max reps @ 85%   Conditioning: Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 2 Muscle-ups 4  Wall-Ball Push-ups 6 Front Squats (75/53) 8 Hollow Rocks 200m Row   Mobility: Hip Capsule...
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  Skill: Turkish Get up 4 rounds of 4 reps/side   For Quality   Conditioning: MPCF Board WOD “Crippler” 400m Walking Lunges   For Time Compare to Thursday, 14 July 2011   Flexibility: Forward Fold with Twist – 1:00/side Low Lunge Twist – 1:00/side Lying Hip Capsule – 1:00/side Quad Smash – 2:00/leg   2...
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  Strength: Back Squats 5   reps @ 65% 1RM 3   reps @ 75% 1+ reps @ 85%   For max reps at 85%     Conditioning: “Two Ladies and a Dude” 2 rounds of “Lola”: 30 Double Unders 20 Knees-2-Elbows 10 Handstand Push-ups …then 3 rounds of “Cindy”: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15...
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  Conditioning: “Sleep Deprived” Row 1000m …then 21-15-9 rep rounds of: Front Squats (115/73)* Kettlebell Push-ups …then Run 800m   For Time *Bar Starts on the ground. Athlete must clean bar, and then perform front squats. A squat clean is allowed and countable for a rep.   Flexibility: Low Lunge Twist – 1:30/side Lateral Opener...
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 Getting a little “King Kong” action Conditioning: “Begin Again” 15 Handstand Push-ups 25 Burpees 35 Slammers (12/8) 100 Double Unders 35 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) 25 Glute-Ham Sit-ups 15 Calories Rowed   2 rounds for time Compare to Wednesday, 19 March 2014     Flexibility: 15 Sit-ups to Pike Right Leg Splits – 1:30 Left...
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“Five Golden Rings”   Skill: Practice 10 minutes on: Pistol Progression 1 Pistol Progression 2 Pistol Progression 3 Pistol Progression 4   For Quality     Conditioning: “King Kong” 1 Deadlift (455/303) 2 Muscle-ups 3 Cleans (250/163) 4 Handstand Push-ups   3 rounds for time     Flexibility: Side Straddle stretch – 1:00/side Center Straddle...
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