Congratulations to “Ape Nation” on their 1st Place Bronze Finish at KO in the OK! Register now for the 2025 CrossFit Games Open! Take the 2025 Judges course! Endurance: Choose one*: Bike, Row, or Ski, then perform… 30 minutes for calories *Athlete CANNOT choose the same machine they have used previously Post...Read More
Skill/Accessory Work: 8/side Kettlebell* curtsy step downs 3 Sets for quality *Athlete may increase weight or stay the same weight throughout Endurance: 4:00 Max calories row/bike/ski* 2:00 Rest 4:00 Max calories row/bike/ski 2:00 Rest 4:00 Max calories row/bike/ski 2:00 Rest 2:00 Max calories row/bike/ski 1:00 Rest 2:00 Max calories row/bike/ski 1:00 Rest 2:00...Read More
New Year’s week: Normal hours on Monday, night class canceled on Tuesday, 0900 class ONLY on Wednesday, returning to regular schedule on Thursday. Conditioning: Partner WOD “’Twas December 2024” 8-minutes of max calories row/bike/ski* …then… Complete as many reps as possible in 3-minutes* of: Max rep single unders …then… 8-minutes of max...Read More
Christmas week schedule: Monday—regular hours, Tuesday—no 1730 class, Wednesday and Thursday—closed, and Friday—regular hours. Endurance: Choose one*: Bike, Row, or Ski, then perform… 30 minutes for calories *Athlete CANNOT choose the same machine as last week Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Endurance: 800m Row 800m Run 800m Ski 2400m Bike For time* *Athlete may break up these meters in any way and may accumulate in any order (20:00 cap) Strength: Back Squat 5 @ 70% of 1-rm 3 Sets for quality Post results and experiences in commentsRead More
The Christmas Party is this Saturday, starting at 1800. Remember to sign up for the ping-pong tournament! Endurance: Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of: 15/12 Calories rowed 15/12 Calories skied 15/12 Calories biked Rest 1:00 For score Skill: 10 Alternating pistols 5 Strict pull-ups 5 Strict handstand push-ups Rest...Read More
Endurance: Complete as many reps as possible in 30-minutes of: 10-15-20-25-30…rep rounds of: Calories skied 50-ft Alternating walking lunges Calories biked 50-ft Burpee broad jumps Calories rowed For score* *Score is total calories performed. Lunges and burpee broad jumps do not count. Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Endurance: 3-Person Team WOD 1500m Row 1500m Ski 3600m Bike 1200m Run (6 x 200m) For time and score (of total burpees)* (35:00 cap) *In a merry-go-round pattern, athlete 1 starts on machine, athlete 2 max burpees, athlete 3 rests. Rotate every minute on the minute throughout workout until all meters are completed. ...Read More
Endurance: 1:00 Max line-facing burpees 1:00 Rest 1:00 Max calories biked 1:00 Rest 1:00 Max calories skied 1:00 Rest 1:00 Max double-unders 1:00 Rest 1:00 Max calories rowed 1:00 Rest 2 Rounds, and then immediately into: 2:00 Max line-facing burpees 1:00 Rest 2:00 Max calories biked 1:00 Rest 2:00 Max calories skied 1:00...Read More