Tuesday, 05 December 2023

Join us this Saturday, Dec 9th at 9 am for a FREE class!

Also, join us on Dec 9th at 6 pm for our Annual Christmas Potluck Party!



Accessory/ Shoulder Warm-Up:

“Shoulder Blaster”

10 Side-lying shoulder flexion*

10 Side-lying shoulder adduction*

10 Side-lying external rotation*


2 sets/side

*Weight used is the same for all movements, all rounds. Suggested weight is between 1#-5# plate. Start lighter than you think. If you complete one set you may increase weight, but do not go over 5#. These exercises are designed to be light. Going too heavy can potentially cause injury.



Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20-minutes of:


Toes-to-bar/GHD sit-ups*

15 Overhead squats (95/63)

75 Double unders/Crossover single unders*


For score

*On odd rounds do T2B and double unders. On even rounds do GHD SU and crossovers.



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. 568 Rx
    13 OHS into round of 30

  2. Henry Smith says

    426 mod 75# and not full squat #knee

  3. White Ape says

    525 Rx (in 17:00)
    Finished all of the 25 rd.

  4. 440 RX
    OHS slowed me down. Had to start breaking them up 8/7
    T2B are getting better, still need work though.
    Dubs felt great was able to get larger sets of 30-35s

  5. Michelle Milstead says

    Knee raises
    15# OHS
    Singles instead of dubs
    Did rounds 10 and 20 of GHD’S and had to move to situps
    OHS and rope felt great but I am struggling with movements that my legs
    have to be extended for a period of time.

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