Monday, 30 October 2023

Thank you so much to all our Fall Festivus volunteers!

Join us Friday, 03 Nov at any class time for a FREE workout!

No fitness experience needed and everyone welcome!

Support Veteran’s Mental Health Initiatives by donating to the

Chad 1000x Fundraiser



High Hang Power Snatch

3 @ 55%

2 @ 65%

1 @ 75%

3 @ 65%

2 @ 75%

1 @ 80%

1 @ 80%+


For quality



With a 2:30 clock, perform the following:

10 Handstand push-ups OR 4 wall walks

15/12 Calories biked

Max reps power snatches (athlete chooses weight)*

…then 1:30 Rest


4 Rounds for total tonnage on snatches

*Weight remain the same through all rounds. Must be more than 40% 1-rm, and standard bumper plates must be used.



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. Kim Owens says

    450 (25#)
    BC for WW. Do WW next time.

  2. White Ape says

    Worked up to 155#, and that was tough!

    5700 lbs Rx
    (76 reps @ 75#)
    Very toasty WOD! I did HSPU all rounds (7/3, 7/3, 10, 3/7) Last round my butt got in the way and knocked me off the wall! LOL!

  3. SWOD built to 103#
    CWOD 4070# Rx (74 reps at 55#)

  4. Henry Smith says

    Swod- built to 150# for 2 reps
    Cwod- 95# 3,420 lbs 36 reps

    I was slow on the bike today. I think I could have maybe gotten more weight going heavier. WW felt good.

  5. SWOD: built to 83#- felt way too light. i need to redo some 1RM
    CWOD: 2703 53#, 51reps, WW

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