Tuesday, 02 May 2023

Join us this Friday, 05 May 2023 for a FREE class!

Class times are 0530, 0845, 1200, and 1730. No experience needed!



As many reps* as possible in 2:00 of the following:

200m Run

Max pull-ups in remaining time


…Rest 1:00 then…


As many reps as possible in 2:00 of the following:

200m Run

Max push-ups in remaining time


…Rest 1:00 


4 Rounds for total reps of each exercise

*If you have a vest (20/14) wear it


…Rest 3:00 and then… 


Accessory Core Work:

0:45 Hollow hold

1:00 Rest

0:45 Side low plank hold (right)

1:00 Rest

0:45 Side low plank hold (left)

1:00 Rest

0:45 Arch hold

1:00 Rest


2 Rounds for quality



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. Brian Flynn says

    30# vest

  2. sflynn says

    75 PLU
    62 PU
    Rx with 14# vest

  3. Michelle Milstead says

    10, 10, 10, 10 plu’s
    14, 15, 13, 13 puts

  4. Henry Smith says

    Back still messed up. Came in to stretch. Ended up doing this workout with 600m bike and ring rows. Took it easy and did 20 reps for each exercise each round. 80 ring rows and 80 Pu total.

  5. White Ape says

    42 Strict banded (1/2″) PLU – these got toasty
    90 Push-ups
    132 Total

    I also focused on maintaining speed on runs. I was able to keep a 0:49 – 0:53 pace throughout. Most runs at 0:52.

  6. Maggie Tunnell says

    Green blue bands
    PLU 25
    PU 34
    Total 59

  7. Missy Orta says

    PLU 54, blue and thin red band
    PU 20 then 24 box. 20 was too hard, start with 24 next time

  8. jboone says

    40 PLU
    74 PU

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