Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Join us this Friday the 30th for a FREE class!

No experience needed!

Vitality Shoulder Health Seminar Friday the 30th at 1830. Open to public!

0630 class cancelled today, Tuesday the 27th.

We apologize for any inconvenience.



Partner WOD, equal work required

50 Calories skied

40 GHD back extensions

30 Squat cleans (135/93)

20 Strict handstand push-ups

50 Calories biked

40 Pull-ups

30 Alternating pistols

200 Double-unders

50 Calories rowed


For time

(30:00 cap)



Post results and experience to comments


  1. Michelle Milstead says

    Partnered with Amber
    73# cleans
    24″box HSPU
    Red/blue band PLU’s

  2. Henry Smith says

    Partnered with Robert
    24:58 mod – I modified pistols.
    Robert modified hspu, squat cleans, jump rope, and pistols.

  3. 30:36 run
    10 rope climb modified

  4. Brian Flynn says

    17:37…..halved with 300 singles
    At home ( short transitions)

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