Tuesday, 12 February 2013

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Snatch Work

20 minute time cap



Squat Snatch/Hang Squat Snatch


After warming up; do 1 Squat Snatch, followed by a Hanging Squat Snatch. Bar cannot touch ground between the squat and hang snatches.




For Time

42-30-18 rep rounds

Double Unders

21-15-9 rep rounds



Perform 42 DU, 21 Burpees, 30 DU, 15 Burpees………



Post max load and time to comments


  1. Christian Steichen says

    Got both squat snatch

    4:28 post wod

  2. 115#
    Mod power snatch for squat snatch

    WOD 5:10

  3. worked on snatch balance technique…

    Jimmy, I def found my lats. it’s 1100 and I’m sore under my scapulae. Thanks for all your coaching.

  4. 93# on the squat and hang squat snatch. Love those hang snatches!
    4:40 rx on the du and burpees

  5. Practiced squat snatch and at the end I was getting more comfortable with it. Finished the burpees and jump rope (singles) in 9:50.

  6. 73# snatch/hang
    78 1 rep max squat snatch…that’s a PR 🙂

    5:23 jump/burpees rx

  7. 105#
    Was able to get 115# up on squat snatch, but not hang snatch.


  8. 110–4:09

  9. Tammy Gailey says

    Still working on getting the weight part down. It will take much time but I’m up for the challenge! Finished the rope and burpees in 8:33.

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