Tuesday, 08 January 2013


Main WOD:




Post max weight to comments





Choose a sport:

Run: 600m, rest 3 minutes x 5

Row: 800m, rest 3 minutes x 5

Bike: 1800m, rest 3 minutes x 5

Swim: 150m/yd, rest 3 minutes x 5


Post sport and total sprint time to comments


  1. Christian Steichen says

    3 rep max 115# snatch

    284 DU in 3 min with Chad

  2. csteichen@cox.net says

    3 rep max 45#
    187 DU , 3min with Rhonda

  3. Didn’t get all reps done of snatch in time. Was trying to work on form of squat snatch, but couldn’t get it. Changed to split snatch and got up to 95# before the end of class

  4. Coach Jimmy says

    145# sq snatch

  5. 93# snatch

  6. ErinFaith says

    4 mile run with Vickie
    21:56 wod from wod shop : 4 rds 10 clean and jerks 10 god, 500 m row

  7. dscroggins says

    105 3 rep max

  8. 105

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