“WOD B” 5 Deadlifts (275/185) 10 Burpees 5 rounds for time (10 minute time cap) REST 3 minutes Partner up, and perform the following in 7 minutes: 50 Wall-Ball Throws (20/14) Max rep Clean & Jerk (155/103)* For score *Partners use one bar and alternate every 2 C&J’s. Score is the...Read More
“Dennis the Menace” Part 1: Perform as many reps as possible at each station with a 45 seconds work/15 second rest scheme of: Power Clean (125/83) Handstand Push-ups Box Overs (24/20″) GHD Sit-ups Calories Rowed Double Unders 3 rounds REST 2 minutes Part 2: Max rep Body Blasters* in 3 minutes ...Read More
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