Wednesday, 14 November 2012

“7th Heaven”

Complete as many rounds as possible in 28 minutes of:

21 Box Jumps (30/24″)

14 Wall-Ball Overhead Lunges (20/14)

7 Muscle-ups

1 Clean (185/125)



Post total number of rounds and extra reps to comments


  1. Christian Steichen says

    4 rounds
    Box jumps and cleans
    Cleans @ 125#

  2. 5+11
    Cleans at 95#
    1/2 +1/4 band for MU—-they messed with my mind today…and my hands 🙂

  3. 7 rounds + 1 lift + 6 box steps

    Master mods:
    85# lift
    Green band C2B x7
    Box dips x7
    12# WB walking lunges x14
    20″ box steps x21

    (I started with the lift each round. )

  4. dscroggins says

    4 rounds plus the clean and overhead lunges in the 5th round.
    1st round was RX
    Remainder was 165 lb. cleans

  5. 5 Rds + 5 MU
    1″ band MU
    145# cleans

  6. 7 Rounds Mod
    20″ Box Jumps
    14 PLU for MU
    95# Clean

  7. Coach Jimmy says

    Did Red Lands WOD 3 with Erin and Jaime:
    21-15-9 rep rds of:
    Kettle bell Push-ups
    Shuttle run
    Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
    Shuttle run


  8. 6 full with 145 lbs and jumping MU

  9. Coach Jimmy says

    Did this one 26 Nov.
    6 rds +40 reps
    Rx+ (205 clean)

    That was a smoker!!!!

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