Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

3 Wall-climbs

10 Up-downs

5 Paralette pass-throughs (forward + back = 1)

10 Grasshoppers (right + left= 1)

Post total number of rounds and extra reps to comments

(WOD courtesy of

Video of WOD can be see at:

Modifications will be available 🙂


  1. 4 Rnds + 1 wall climb

    Wow! it takes a while to get the hang of these exercises. Fun WOD..very challenging! Loved it – even though I whined about the wall climbs :-/

  2. 4 Rds + 5 PPT + 4 GH

  3. Great job today all! I will be doing this on Friday at 1300 if anyone was to do it again. 🙂

    I did a rowing metabolic test today. It was very interesting as well. The lab is now offering the test for $100, which includes your mask. Talk with me about setting up a test. Well worth the $100!!

  4. 5 Rounds plus 3 wall climbs, 10 up downs, 5 passthroughs, 2 grasshoppers.

  5. I did this WOD on Friday.
    8 rds +2 Wall Climbs Rx

    This WOD was a lot harder than it looked!

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