Wednesday, 18 November 2020


MP CrossFit Board WOD


15 Burpees

30 Squats

45 Sit-ups (unanchored)

600m Run


5 Rounds for time


Compare to Friday, 18 September 2015



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. 35:51, starting getting tough end of round 3

  2. Wade Bietz says

    35:33rx… was so hard, burpee tough, sit up cramping, cool air helped sick to stomach after

  3. 30:54 Rx (8:08 PR!)
    The only other time I have done this WOD was about two months after starting CF so this was a really fun comparison for me. CF works! 😉
    Successfully worked that positive mindset during the entire 30min. Ha!

  4. 39:33 Rx (over 5 min PR)
    Struggled the first round, but picked up after that.

  5. Talia Prideaux says

    26:40 mods as follows:
    10 stepped out burpees
    20 squats
    30 sec tuck hold
    500m row /alt 1200m bike
    5 rounds

  6. Kile Young says

    Totals: 75/150/225/3k
    Sit-ups – need to pace more strategically
    Run – pick up the pace

  7. Kyle Kirkpatrick says

    Row 750 instead of run

  8. Henry Smith says


    On the first 4 runs I ran down and walked back.

    Need to run more next time.

    Sit-ups were toasty.

  9. Michelle Milstead says

    I didn’t even look at my time or remember what was called out to me, but I know it was longer than the allowed 50 minutes. I finished though and for me this is a win! Sit ups were tough and next time I need to run the whole time instead of walking. Walking slowed me down quite a bit.

  10. White Ape says

    34:11 rx
    Not a PR. :/
    I was slow today. It happens sometimes. I haven’t been working my run, or high rep sit-ups. Always something to work on!!

  11. Matt Smith says

    4 rnds 38:54

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