Monday, 29 October 2018


Strength Drills:


5 Clean pulls + 5 Clean high pulls + 5 Power Clean @ 20% 1RM Clean*


4 Clean pulls + 4 Clean high pulls + 4 Power Clean @ 35% 1RM Clean*


3 Clean pulls + 3 Clean high pulls + 3 Power Clean @ 45% 1RM Clean*


2 Clean pulls + 2 Clean high pulls + 2 Power Clean @ 55% 1RM Clean*


1 Clean pulls + 1 Clean high pulls + 1 Power Clean @ 65% 1RM Clean*


1 Clean pulls + 1 Clean high pulls + 1 Power Clean @ 75% 1RM Clean*


For Quality

*dropping and resetting between pulls is allowed



Partner WOD

“Make-up and Break-up”

Part 1:

Death by EMOM:

1 Synchronized Power Jerk (135/93)

1 Burpee


For Score

Every minute, add 1 rep of each. Continue this process until the partner group fails to finish within the minute.

Synchronized is defined as being in the front rack at the start of each rep and pausing in the finish position at the same time.


…Rest 2:00, then…

Part 2:

6 rounds, alternating partners*, of:

5 Squat Cleans (135/93)

7 Pull-ups

200m Row


For Time

*While one partner is completing a round, the other partner must hold a low plank while the other is working.



Half Straddle – 1:00/side

Middle Straddle – 1:00

Pike Stretch – 1:00

Butterfly – 1:00

Spine Smash – 2:00



Post time and experiences to comments


  1. RhondaMomma says


    Solo at 8:45
    Part 1: 89@53#
    Part 2: 12:47
    That was a good one.

  2. darrenandtara says

    D. Swod. Check
    CWOD 1. Through 7 rounds Rx. With Steve and Double D.
    CWOD 2. 15 something with Steve Rx. That was way worse that I thought.

  3. SWOD: ✅
    Make up: 71, with Coach. I used 83#
    Break up: 13:40 Rx

  4. CourtnieMcKone says

    SWOD: did it

    Part 1: with brad. Through 1 burpee in 7th round. Rx for me
    Part 2: 13 something rx

  5. SWOD worked up to 155#
    CWOD partner with Pinky my shoulders failed at rd 9 but did get the jerks in (more like push presses) with 105#
    14:44 I think on part 2

  6. Swod: check
    Partner w liliana
    Part 1: through 3 burpees round 7 (52 reps)
    Part 2: 19:43 63# (55%)

  7. SWOD: upto 108#. Good strength/skill work.
    CWOD: through jerks in round 9 with Daniel. I used 73#. That got surprisingly heavy.
    Part 2: 14:44 at same weight. Those planks were awful.

  8. White Ape says

    Worked up to 245. I messed up and was building all weights off my C&J 1RM. Didn’t realize it until after the 65%. So i had a 55# jump on last cycle.

    What Sarah said!
    I was Rx on “make-up”

    Great WOD! Lots of “fun”!

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