Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Regional Qualifier WOD #1

3 Rounds for time of:
10 Squat Cleans (155/105)
Run 400m

Post time to comments

Compare to 07 MAY 09


  1. I subbed 20 front squats (45 lb) for the cleans


  2. 12:56 65#

  3. Bershunda says

    85 lbs….

    Again I did not do very well today….I really need to get it together because my performance continues to get worse each day!

  4. 17:46 RX

  5. B – You did great today! We just need more people there for motivation!!

  6. hey everybody! I figured I would get with the program and post.

    14:18 95 lbs.

  7. 5 DL
    10 Burpees

    8:07 135lb

  8. MP Jimmy says

    Did Friday's WOD.

  9. Melanie did 16:40/55 lbs/outside run

  10. Stacy J says

    14:49 75lbs

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