Wednesday, 17 June 2009

4 rounds for time

50 Double Unders (4:1 singles)
10 Tire Flips (210/175)
15 Pull-ups
20 Overhead Squats (65/45)

Compare to 03 APR 09

Post time to comments
8 Responses
  1. Angie

    34:56 Rx, evertyhing but singles

    As slow as I was today, amazingly my time was 2:09 faster than the first time we did this!

    (Thanks for everyone's encouragement on that last round.)

  2. John

    26:45 Although I wanted to do double unders, I decided after the first 20 that I did not have time to stay until lunch to finish. So, I did singles. 45 pound OHS.

  3. Danny

    Melanie did 33:47/singles/180 lb tire/1" band/30 lb OHS. I am so excited because I improved my time with more weight and a narrower band. Last time, my time was 39:39 but with 1 1/4" band and 20 lb OHS. I still have to constantly work on my form; but, some day I will get it right. 🙂