Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall, member of the Canadian Light Infantry, was kill by an improvised explosive device on 23 December 2009.


For Time:
10 Handstand Push-ups
15 Deadlifts (250/165)
25 Box Jumps (30/24″)
50 Pull-ups
100 Wall-Ball Shots @ 10′ (20/12)
200 Double Unders
Run 400m w/ weight (45/25)

Post time to comments
16 Responses
  1. Angela

    Yikes, that one looks fun! I cannot be there but I will be WODing at CrossFit OKC Wedneday morning. I've missed you all this week! See you Thursday morning for sure though!

  2. Jaime

    wow!! that was a tough one. 35:57 rx except that I used a yoga block to do my hspu.
    We need a person for our mud run team. Right now its me, Amber, Stacy and my son Mark. It's on the 21st of Aug. Anyone interested??

  3. Michel

    Angie…good to hear from you…Enjoy OKC!

    That was a full range WOD and smoked- great work everyone!

    36:24 MOD
    10 Handstand Push-ups – Toes 20" box
    15 Deadlifts – 95 lb
    25 Box Jumps -17" box
    50 Pull-ups – 1" band
    100 Wall-Ball Shots @ 10' – 12 lb
    600 Singles
    400m w/ weight – 25 lb

  4. Coby

    24" Box for hspu, 135# deadlifts, 17" box for box jumps, 1.5" banded plu, 12# wall ball, 600 singles, 45# weight (walk, don't run).
    Boy, I'm beat.

  5. MP Jimmy

    23:15 RX

    That wore me smooth out!

    I had planned on skipping the PLU's due to my bi's and forearms being abnormally sore from monday, but I could not do it once I said 'GO!'. I did use some good judgement in that I forced myself not to chain more than 10 together. Of course, after the first 3 sets of 10, that did not matter anyway. 🙂

    I was caught off guard on how bad my dbl unders were. I think the most I chained together was 27! 🙁

    GREAT WOD! I hope everyone ejoys this WOD as much as me!! 🙂

  6. MP Jimmy


    do not fall asleep at your desk now because of this WOD! 🙂

    And Jim,
    Yes, it is time to move the yoga!

  7. Lesley

    37:42 Modified: 24" knee HSPU, 95 DL, 1&1.5" band & singles. I was worried, but it turned out to be a good workout!

  8. Rhonda G

    31:52 Greatly Modified!!
    20 Knee PU, 15 Back Extensions holding 20# of weight, PLU 2" band for most, 600 singles, 8# wallballs, 20" box jumps, 400 M run with 25#'s.

    Will my shoulder EVER be better? Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! Great job to all!!

    The best surprise of the day was the (llack of) A/C!! That made this WOD even better, don't you think? 🙂

    Jamie, I'll do the MUD run if you haven't already found another willing mud runner.

  9. Coby

    I was so dazed and confused I forgot to post my time, which was 51:11.
    Jimmy, I managed to stay awake all day, but I do plan to take advantage of tomorrow's rest day.

  10. Danny

    Melanie said…

    38:20/24" box toe hspu/115 dl/17" box jump/skinny band for plu/singles
    Great job Amber and Brandie. Great job coaching Erin.

  11. Amber

    "deez nutts" 43:48 with yoga block for HSPU. I was fine until the double unders when my wee calves started to cramp up so I could only do 5 at a time. Great job Brandy and Melanie. Hell's Kitchen was a cool 103 degrees.

  12. Brandy

    WORST WORKOUT EVER! =D But I lived!! Thanks to Erin, Amber, and Melanie for coaching me on!

    Jamie- I'm in on the MUD RUN for next Saturday! Be sure to put me down! 🙂

    53:11…I think haha

    20" for box jump
    17" for HSPU
    600 singles
    95 lb DL
    3" for pull ups

  13. Angela

    At CF OKC…I did split jerks at 80, 85, 90 percent of max for 3-3-3 (42#, 52#, 62#). My splits were SO much better than last time and I felt like I could have done more weight now that I have the form down better.
    The WOD was 5 rounds unbroken of:
    20 DBL U (50 singles)
    10 Thrusters (32#)
    Total Time = 9.53