Wednesday, 05 April 2023

Flashback 22.1 power outage!

Join us this Friday, 07 April, for a FREE class at any class time!

No fitness experience needed.



2022 CrossFit Games Open WOD 22.1

As many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of the following:

3 Wall-walks

12 Alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35)

15 Box jump overs (24/20″)


For score

Compare to Saturday, 26 February 2022 or Monday, 28 February 2022

*For scaling and masters standards click here



Pause* Back Squats



For load

*3-second pause in the lowest position you can get in without losing tension



Post results and experiences to comments

8 Responses
  1. Brian Flynn

    Had a couple stumbles coming off the box. Without those I may have been able to finish the 7th round.

  2. Henry Smith

    151rx / 185#

    For next time – skied last two days and working off minimal sleep. Use previous score as baseline.

  3. Missy Orta

    Worked on wall walks. Got close to white line first few rounds and then not halfway
    the last few.
    15 lb dumbbell
    Step over 20 in box

  4. Vernice

    93 RX, 20 # DB, 20 “ Box
    Increased from 75 in the 2022 Open
    Only went to 93 on BS, had to leave.