Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Front Squats
3 rep max

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CFE WOD (3+ hours after main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

Run: 2 miles
Row: 3K
Bike: 5 miles
Swim: 800m

Do distance with a 20:10 format. 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest until distance is complete. 10 seconds of rest is “stop rest”, no forward motion.

Post total work time to comments

8 Responses
  1. erin

    135!! AND FINALLY got my head to touch yoga block on hspus! I just high fived myself 😉 great job today guys it was fun to work out with the 5:30 a.mers 🙂

  2. Angela

    My first time doing front squats, too! 82 lbs
    CFE: yeesh! Run 2 miles at 20:10 (work:rest) Total time was 26:00 w/ 52 laps…HOT & HILLY! First CFE down!!

    Way to go for all the PR's today!