Tuesday, 23 November 2010


30 Clean and Jerks (135/95)

For Time

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Compare to 29 DEC 09


Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

Run: 8 x 50m, rest 2 minutes
Row: 8 x 75m, rest 2 minutes
Bike: 8 x 400m, rest 2 minutes
Swim: 8 x 25m/y, rest 2 minutes
Post sprint time to comments
17 Responses
  1. Danny

    Melanie said…

    5:39/65 lbs. PR of 43 seconds.

    Great work everyone!!! I was so happy to be at cf with everyone today! Congrats to all of the runners from the race on Sunday.

  2. Michel

    55 lb
    First time for Grace. Last squat cleans were in Elizabeth on May 25 2010 at 30 lb.I think I am making some progress. Form needs work.
    Great to have Mel back! And Lesley and Carmen. Great job everyone.

  3. Carmen

    4:17 45 lb
    There was nothing "GRACE"ful about it! :o)

    Jimmy, Sam was sore this morning! He was cracking me up and not complaining about going back today!!!

    I am THANKFUL for MPCF and all it's peeps!

  4. MP Jimmy

    2:34 RX

    Not a PR. 🙁 I lost the "Jerk" form at about 15, which slowed me down. Maybe that means I need to work on it more, hmmmmm! 😉

    Great job to all you "Grace" first-timers out there!

  5. Robert

    Amber! Great job….8:58 Rx but first Rx Grace…I wonder about lifting an elephant with 135 lbs. Really it only looks and feels heavy.

  6. Amber

    Stacy says……
    4:35 rx Amber kicked my tail. I'm still a little sore from yesterday's pullups. That's my excuse LOL!