Tuesday, 01 March 2011

Pull-up bars are up in new facility! 15 individual locations!

“Elbows Overhead”

21-15-9 rep rounds of:

Knees to Elbows
Overhead Squats (95/65)

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 01 MAR 10


Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

4 x 15 sec on, 10 sec off; 30 sec on, 20 sec off; 1 min on, 40 sec off

Post total distance covered to comments

13 Responses
  1. Michel

    57 LB OHS – Unbroken RD 1 and 3. Started thinking in RD 2. Broke at 10. No more thinking.
    2:1 AB BF SU
    1:00 and 12 LB PR

  2. Danny

    Whoops. I'm obviously used to having a much slower time, but today's time was not 18:22, but instead it was 8:22. It really was a PR by 1:04.

  3. Jaime

    Did a running WOD with Erin and Jimmy the posterior twins.
    Run 300 m rest 2 min
    6 rounds
    8:02 total sprint time.
    No lifting today πŸ™

  4. erin

    8:50 rx
    did a running cfe with jaime and ape boy
    ran 300 rest 2 min
    yes jaime we have nice ghetto badonks! πŸ˜‰

  5. MP Jimmy

    4:57 Rx @ 115lb

    Only 33 sec slower than doing with 95lbs a year ago! I was glad to see everyone pushing themselves today.

    Extremely glad to see the "Proton Man", Lou, back at MP!!

    Also, did a CFE WOD:
    Run 300m, rest 2 min x 6

    Sprint time – 6:03