10 Burpees
20 Double Unders
10 rounds for time
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Compare to 07 AUG 10
Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim
Run: 60 Min
Row: 30 min
Bike: 60 min
Swim: 30 min
Cover as much distance as possible
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21:31 singles
PR by 4:29
fun working out with the 5:30 overachievers. Congrats to Erin on her hanging muscle up.
Love the picture!! Thanks guys!
Singles 4:1
RX burpees
5 Minute PR for 4:1
Singles 3:1 time was 17:11
Parade, hurray, and intergalactic kudos to Melanie and Lesley for completing the Burpee Challenge!! And Erin, hot stuff on the muscle ups!!! Awesome work everyone and way to go Coby on the PR. Robert, Danny, Chris, I am amazed at that WOD.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Ran 6 miles with fleet feet crew
Thanks guys for all the encouragment!! Great job today everyone
Rx MU i'm gunning for ya!
GREAT JOB ERIN!!!! Yes, Jimmy (and apparently Jaime as well), she did in fact get her first jumping MU.
21-15-9 of:
205 lbs deadlifts (Prescribed 225)
body blasters (burpee, pullup, knees to elbow = 1 rep)
The deadlifting monkey really helped 🙂
Congrats on the jumping MU, Erin!! So exciting!
Impressive WOD by the Body Blasters!
Oh…and last day of Burpee Challenge! Thanks, Melanie for being my burpee buddy. Fun doing Rooster with Coby & Michel! 18:58, Singles(3:1)
Congrats to Erin! First jumping MU!!!Great work on the burpee challenge…Melanie and Lesley!
225 Deadlifts
13:19 Rx
Melanie said…
Today was just a great day! SO EXCITED FOR ERIN!!!! Woohoo! Everyone did a great job. Can't believe the burpee challenge is over!
Way to go Erin on the jumping MU! Great job to Lesley and Melanie on the Burpee Challenge!
19:59 on the 21-15-9 WOD with DL (225) and bodyblasters. This is 2:11 slower than last year. Deadlift rehabilitation begins now.