Monday, 29 November 2010

“Sweet 16”

16 Squat Jumps*
16 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood)
16 Toes to Bar
16 Thrusters (65/45)

4 rounds for time

Post time to comments
*Squat jumps are simply that; perform a squat, and then explode up. Jump as high as you can, safely, opening hips while in air. For speed, make them continuous. 🙂
20 Responses
  1. Angela

    23:15 (it's tough after 2 wks gone)

    32# thrusters
    1 pood RKBS
    SQT "hops" (I wasn't jumping very high)

    It was SO great seeing everyone this morning!

  2. Michel

    HI EVERYONE…I'M BAAACCCCKKK.Loved seeing all the posts while in sunny, warm California. Back to MP tomorrow and so looking forward to seeing everyone! Been four days off of WOD. Ug, Jimmy, make it brutal. Kudos to the PR's and hard work!!

  3. Rhonda G

    17:14 MOD

    45# thrusters
    1 pood KBS
    SQ jumps

    That was a good one! I agree with Coby, much harder than it looked. I haven't felt that shaky after a WOD since bootcamp.

    Great Job everyone! Welcome back Angela and our "Director of Good Vibes"!

  4. Lesley

    Glad everyone's back, too! (Except Carmen) Can't believe she missed the WOD with her picture on it!

    Situps 3 rds, toes to bar 1 round

  5. erin

    22:56 rx this one was special with sqting and jumping 😉 <– sarcasm
    great job to my workout monkies jamie and Jimmy 😉

  6. MP Jimmy

    15:53 RX

    Great WOD, if I say so myself! 🙂 Missed ya this am Carmen. Trained the rest of the family though, minus the youngest. She will be coming soon too! 🙂

    See ya'll in the am.

  7. Vernice

    25 Something.
    1 pood kbs
    32 lb thruster
    2 – 1 sit ups
    hopping squats (?)
    Agreed – this was harder than it looked but a good way to start out Monday.

    Glad you are back Michel!