Monday, 21 February 2011

For Time

21 Push-ups
15 Pull-ups
9 Overhead Squats (115/80)
Row 300m

3 rounds

Post time to comments
11 Responses
  1. MP Jimmy

    10:09 Rx

    Well Robert, you threw down the challenge and Jaime answered! 🙂 And, you were correct, she did shave some time by doing the OHS unbroken.

    Everyone did awesome!

    Sorry I didn't get 9:40 Chris. 🙂 I did try, but will try harder next time!

  2. Robert

    13:32 Rx you cannot win them all! Great work to all especially Jaime. I love to have her to chase…makes me better. Someday on an OHS workout I will beat her!

  3. Angela

    14:59…just under the gun! I was really shooting for unbroken throughout the entire WOD, but OHS round 2 broke my rhythm.

    45# OHS
    1.5" PLU
    Knee PU (I think I'm getting closer to Rx PU, I can do about 3-4 in a row now!!)

    Super fun WODin' with the gals at 1730, too!