Monday, 13 September 2010

“Running Burpees”

Run 200m
40 Burpees
Run 400m
30 Burpees
Run 600m
20 Burpees
Run 800m
10 Burpees

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 14 APR 10
13 Responses
  1. erin

    18:25 Sweet Fancy Moses A PR!!!! Yay!!! 🙂 ( Erin gotta a pr in a burpee wod!?!?!) wowzers! Great job everyone!! Great job Jimmy and jaimie- Million dollar woman 😉

  2. Jaime

    I learned my lesson not to run as hard as I can in round one. Oh, well. still got a pretty good time 19:21 rx pr by 40 seconds or so

  3. Vernice

    24:59 w rowing today.

    Last time was 30:09 with running. More than a 5 minute PR!!! Whoo Whoo Whoo!

    Great job on your PR Michel.

  4. Amber

    21:09 RX Rhonda, you gazelle, rocked it. Good job Stacy and Ginny. Ginny wore a very appropriate t-shirt that read "Burpees Suck". Congratulations to those that got their name on the board. MP Women Rock!

  5. Amber

    Stacy says……
    26:16 rx PR….2 1/2 minutes faster than last time. Great job Ginny and Amber. Rhonda was smokin hot!!!!!

  6. Rhonda G

    21:09 RX

    Amber and I tied..!! She became the Bionic Burpee machine! That was impressive indeed in the last round!! I was totally wiped out! We gotta get the 'other' t-shirt!

    It was so fun to work out with you 5:30 pm gals today. Let's do it again next week!! TTFN 🙂 Congrats on all the PR's. Nice work!