Practice 10 minutes on:
Handstand Progressions
Handstand Holds
Option 1:
“Monday Madness”
10 Wall-Climbs
10 Strict Pull-ups
20 Burpees*
20 Box Overs (24/20″)*
30 meters of Gorilla Run
30 Slammers (12/8)
40 Double Under
2 rounds for time
*Combining of the Burpees and Box Overs is authorized
Compare to Monday, 10 March 2014
Option 2:
2015 CrossFit Games WOD 15.2
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
10 Overhead Squats (95/65)
10 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
12 Overhead Squats (95/65)
12 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:
14 Overhead Squats (95/65)
14 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
Etc., following the same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds
For Score
(each rep is one point)
Compare to Saturday, 08 March 2014
Revolved Seated Staff – 1:00/side
Reclined Spinal Twist – 1:00/side
Lying Hip Capsule – 1:00/side
Plow – 2:00
Post time, score, and experiences to comments