Monday, 03 May 2010

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Pistols
15 Pull-ups
AMRAP in 20 minutes

Post time to comments

Compare to 19 MAR 10
9 Responses
  1. Michel

    I psyched up for this and was stoked to see Cindy on the blue plate special. Thanks Jimmy!
    14 full rounds + 5 PLU and 8 PU
    1" band today with good kip and clearing the bar
    Knee PU – RX for WOD'n is work in progress
    Great job 06:30!

  2. Danny

    Melanie said…

    10 rounds plus 5 plu,10 pu, 12 squats
    did rx plu for first three rounds/used skinny band for rest of plu.
    knee pu
    Great job Robert and Danny!

  3. erin

    I did this wod 19:14 , last time I tried hspu with yoga block and wasn't touching it so I did it with toes 24" box so I can get full rom on hspu :-p

  4. MP Jimmy

    15 rounds in 14:41 RX

    I had to stop my WOD due to a client was waiting to start. I started my WOD late, and was running into the next class time. Life happens! 🙂

    See ya in the am!

  5. Stacy J

    11 rounds thong band and some sinus drainage. Not really an excuse just a reminder for when I look back on this to compare for next time LOL